My profession as a notary is regulated by the Faculty Office, and not by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. I am also regulated by the Legal Ombudsman.
My role is to ensure that the documents are signed in accordance with the requirements of the country in which they will be used. This will include establishing your identity and also establish that you have an understanding of the documents and their effect and that you wish to be bound by them; please see the limits on legal advice below.
I am not qualified to advise on any law other than the laws of England and Wales. You must rely upon other lawyers representing you as to their use and effect in any foreign jurisdiction. Where I am requested to draft documents upon your instructions, it is your responsibility to ensure that your instructions are in keeping with the requirements of the receiving foreign jurisdiction.
My professional charges are based upon the time and work involved in each matter, including the number of notarial acts required of me. Payment is due when the documents are signed. Where a deposit is paid and work has begun, this will be non-refundable. I can usually give a fixed quotation once I have seen the documents. If I am unable to complete your work due to incomplete documents or incomplete information provided by yourself including ID and address proof documentation or if there are errors in the documents, there is a minimum fee applicable of £30.00 for up to half an hour of my time taken and a maximum fee of £60.00. This fee is payable upon appointment and is non-refundable.
In addition to my charges payments may have to be made to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, consulates and postal and courier companies. These charges are in addition to my professional charges.
I am required to keep copies of some of the documents that I deal with. Where copies are kept then they will be retained as scanned copies on my computer system.
Where I post documents I am not responsible for their loss, or other direct or indirect losses that you may incur, as a result of them going missing or are delayed whilst in transit.
I carry professional insurance in respect of any claims for work that I carry out for you.
I am registered under the Data Protection Act and these terms are subject to my Data Protection Privacy Notice which can be found at:
Any information I hold and your personal details will not be passed on to third parties save as required as per the services I provide and as per my privacy notice. My regulator makes occasional inspections of a notaries records and may inspect information that I hold without notice to you, and where authorised by law, copies may be given to police and other competent bodies, authorities or persons.
The laws of England and Wales apply to these terms of business and the services that I supply.